Media - Audio Resources

is the Bible Teaching Ministry of Whitestone Christian Fellowship, taught by Pastor Bob Lawrenz.

We pray that the audio bible teachings will bless and encourage you in your Christian walk. It is our desire that you draw ever so close to our Savior, our Redeemer and Lord. 

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."  Colossians 3:16


**If you would like to order a copy of any of these messages,
please write or call us at: Whitestone Christian Fellowship.


As of the first of the year, the audio platform that we were using at Mixcloud changed from being a free platform to a paid subscription.  In response to this, we made some changes. The teachings of Whitestone Christian Fellowship will now be available in many platforms, not limiting us in content, or charging anyone to listen to the teaching of God's Word.  Please take advantage of these free Bible study resources. 

Please note:   All of the audio messages that were uploaded to Mixcloud before the beginning of the new year, will continue to remain there for those who enjoy using Mixcloud.  There is a link at the bottom of this page to the available teachings and series that you can still listen to. 

We are working on moving our archived audio teachings from Mixcloud into the new format. This will take some time, but Lord willing those audio teachings will be available in all other formats.

The audio messages are now available on several new platforms and are free to listen to.  Just click on the links below: 

**Also available on Pocket Cast and Radio Public with a subscription.

Listen to our weekly broadcast available on Spotify:   Draw Me Close: Podcast 


The Book of Romans -  Ongoing Study

The letter to the Romans stands as the clearest and most systematic presentation of Christian doctrine in all the Scriptures. Paul began by discussing that which is most easily observable in the world—the sinfulness of all humanity. All people have been condemned due to our rebellion against God. However, God in His grace offers us justification by faith in His Son, Jesus. When we are justified by God, we receive redemption, or salvation, because Christ’s blood covers our sin. But Paul made it clear that the believer’s pursuit of God doesn’t stop with salvation; it continues as each of us is sanctified—made holy—as we persist in following Him. Paul’s treatment of these issues offers a logical and complete presentation of how a person can be saved from the penalty and power of his or her sin.

Listen here:  The Book of Romans

The Minor Prophets: The Book of Amos 

An age of luxury and excess reigned, with commerce flourishing and riches overflowing. Both the Northern Kingdom of Israel and the Southern Kingdom of Judah lived in peace with the surrounding nations. Instead of fighting with their enemies, their wealth and energy were used to build and develop their kingdoms.

Their cities expanded with their newfound prosperity, yet injustice ran rampant and moral erosion infected the heart of the nation. The privileged few who cherished their abundance suppressed the cries of the downtrodden. Making money was more important than worshiping God. The rich exploited the poor, the judicial system was corrupt, and injustice flourished.

The spiritual condition of Israel resembled a ship tossed in a stormy sea, battered by the waves of idol worship and cultural compromise. King Jeroboam did what was evil in the Lord’s sight and did not turn away from the sins of his predecessors. Altars to Baal adorned the high places. The smoke of sacrifices and incense offered to foreign gods polluted the temples. The people, like lost sheep, strayed from a life of righteousness, enticed by the allure of earthly pleasures.

Amid this time of turmoil, a shepherd of humble means emerged. Chosen by God to deliver a powerful message to Israel, Amos a devout man with a heart full of faith embraced his role as a messenger of God.

Listen here:  The Book of Amos

The Minor Prophets: The Book of Joel

The following audio messages are a part of our End Times Bible Prophecy Series, taught by Pastor Bob Lawrenz, recorded at Whitestone Christian Fellowship.

The theme running through the book of Joel is, "The day of the Lord is coming!" The prophet Joel echoed a warning of approaching judgment when God would punish the wicked and reward the faithful.

The book of Joel opens with the telling of an impending locust swarm and its consequences. By the millions ravenous locusts will swoop over Israel, gorging themselves on every plant in sight. Joel describes them destroying wheat and barley crops, stripping trees down to their bark, ruining grape vines so no wine offerings could be made to the Lord. The once lush countryside quickly becomes a wasteland.

Joel calls the people to repent of their sin and begs them to put on sackcloth and ashes. He foretells of a mighty army, driving down from the north on the day of the Lord. Defenses fail against them. Like the locusts, they devastate the land.

"Turn unto the LORD your God," Joel cried, "for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and of great kindness, and repenteth Him of the evil." (Joel 2:13)

God promised to restore Israel, once again turning it into a land of plenty. He said he would pour out his Spirit upon the people. In those days the Lord will judge the nations, Joel said, and he will dwell among his people.

According to the apostle Peter, this prophecy of Joel was fulfilled 800 years later at Pentecost, following the sacrificial death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:14-24).

Joel's prophecy also contained a foreshadowing of a far greater future day of the Lord: God’s final judgment on sin in the Great Tribulation. Looking still farther into the future, he also saw the blessings of the Millennium.

Listen here:  The Book of Joel

The Book of Revelation 

The following audio messages are a part of our End Times Bible Prophecy Series, taught by Pastor Bob Lawrenz, recorded at Whitestone Christian Fellowship.

Revelation contains its own title: “The Revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1). “Revelation” in the Greek is "apokalupsis" and means “an uncovering,” “an unveiling,” or “a disclosure.” What this book reveals or unveils is Jesus Christ in glory. Truths about Him and His final victory, that the rest of Scripture merely allude to become clearly visible through revelation about Jesus Christ. This revelation was given to Him by God the Father, and it was communicated to the Apostle John by an angel (1:1).

The Revelation of Jesus Christ was given to John by God “to show his servants what must soon take place.” This book is filled with mysteries about things to come. It is the final warning that the world will surely end, and judgment will be certain. It gives us a tiny glimpse of heaven and all of the glories awaiting those who keep their robes white. Revelation takes us through the great tribulation with all its woes and the final fire that all unbelievers will face for eternity. The book reiterates the fall of Satan and the doom he and his angels are bound for. We are shown the duties of all creatures and angels of heaven and the promises of the saints that will live forever with Jesus in the New Jerusalem. Like John, we find it hard to describe what we read in the book of Revelation.

Listen here:  The Book of Revelation

Bobservations' Column - Audio Version

The Bobservations' Column - Audio Version - is now made available to you.  The Bobservations' Column is written each week by Pastor Bob Lawrenz, and correlates to the weekly Sunday teaching.

Since we are currently studying the book of Revelation, we are providing the corresponding playlist for the series.  Of course, we will be adding to this list and creating other playlists in the near future. 

Listen here:  Bobservations' Column - Audio

First Peter 

The following audio messages are a part of our End Times Bible Prophecy Series, taught by Pastor Bob Lawrenz, recorded at Whitestone Christian Fellowship.

Living in close proximity to Jesus Christ for more than three years had provided the apostle Peter the best possible example of what it looked like to live in holiness amid a hostile world. More than any other man who walked the earth, Jesus modeled that lifestyle. Peter therefore pointed his readers in the best possible direction, to Jesus Himself. The apostle called Christians to “sanctify Christ as Lord” in their hearts, that believers might live and act as Jesus desires during their short time here on earth (1 Peter 3:14–18). This would include submission to authority—even unjust authority—in the government, in the home, and in the workplace. Jesus becomes the focal point for ordering one’s life in the midst of trials and tribulations. By rooting their perseverance in the person and work of Christ, believers can always cling to hope in the midst of suffering.

Listen here:  First Peter

End Times Bible Prophecy Series (2023)

The following audio messages are a part of our End Times Bible Prophecy Series, taught by Pastor Bob Lawrenz, recorded at Whitestone Christian Fellowship.

God has already written history. God has already written history to its end. All of history is really His story. It is all moving in the direction and toward the objectives that He has already designed and already determined, and scripture is not vague about the end. In fact, scripture reveals much about how the world will end and how redemptive history will come to its final consummation.

Listen here:  End Times Series

The Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount is Jesus’ longest, most detailed teaching recorded in the Gospels. It is found in Matthew 5, 6 and 7. It contains some of the most essential principles for living a genuine Christian life.

The Sermon on the Mount is of great importance to us.

Those who enter the Kingdom of Heaven must have a righteousness that surpasses that of the Scribes and Pharisees for they only had the self-righteousness of legalism which says, “I am good because I do (or do not do) these things.” True righteousness is unconcerned with self proclaimed goodness for true righteousness comes from the heart and says, “I love you Lord, help me to do whatever pleases You.”

Listen here:  Sermon on the Mount

Gospel of Matthew:  

Matthew wrote his account of Jesus’s ministry to show that Jesus was and is indeed the King, Israel’s long-awaited Messiah. He reflected this concern in his opening line, “The record of the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1). From there, Matthew consistently took his readers back to the Old Testament, providing Old Testament testimony regarding the birth of Jesus, Bethlehem as the location of Jesus’s birth, the flight to Egypt, Herod’s slaughter of the infants, and the beginning of Jesus’s ministry. In a world where many in the Jewish community had claimed the role of Messiah for themselves, Matthew’s commitment to grounding the life of Jesus in the Old Testament raised Jesus above the multitude of these false messiahs. The apostle painted a portrait of our Lord that highlights His uniqueness among all others to ever walk this earth.

Listen here: Gospel of Matthew

The Book of Ephesians:

Doctrine occupies the greatest portion of the Book of Ephesians. Half of the teaching in this epistle relates to our standing in Christ, and the remainder of it affects our condition. All too often those who teach from this book bypass all the foundational instruction and go directly to the closing chapter. It is this chapter that emphasizes the warfare or the struggle of the saints. However, to benefit fully from the contents of this epistle, one must begin at the beginning of Paul’s instruction in this letter.

First, as followers of Christ, we must fully understand who God declares us to be. We must also become grounded in the knowledge of God’s accomplishment for all humanity. Next, our present existence and walk must become exercised and strengthened. This must continue until we no longer totter or stagger back and forth with every spirit of teaching and subtlety of men.

Paul’s writing breaks down into three main segments. (1) Chapters one through three introduce principles with respect to God’s accomplishment. (2) Chapters four and five put forth principles regarding our present existence. (3) Chapter six presents principles concerning our daily struggle.

Listen here: The Book of Ephesians

More Teaching Series Available:

  • Gospel of Matthew
  • Colossians
  • Philemon
  • Malachi
  • Nahum
  • Jeremiah
  • Ecclesiastes
  • Psalms
  • Revelation
  • End Times: Series
  • Prophecy Updates
  • World Events
  • Christmas Series
  • Passion Series
  • Christ the Savior is Born

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