Saturday, March 29, 2014


Bobservations Column
by Pastor Bob Lawrenz

Luke writes quoting Jesus our Savior, “And when these things begin to happen, look up…,” (Luke 21:28). Asking Jesus what will be the signs of the end, the Disciples receive a lengthy response, ending with the above quote. It is the age-old question that every generation has asked. When will the end come?

Jesus’ teachings about the End-Times and the Last Days are found through-out both Testaments in the historical books of the Bible, and in its prophetic works. People’s interest is raised when these varied passages are read. I liken it to mankind’s human nature which is generally adverse to change and hates surprises. By God’s grace, however, we are forewarned.

Our media headlines this past week have been filled with prophetic fulfillment. In bold print we learn of events from around the globe. Nothing is hid anymore. The sins of man are being exposed and shouted from the rooftops, and from news outlets like CCN, MSNBC, and even on the Internet. From road-rage to airliners missing; from earthquakes to mudslides; from border invasions to Senators selling illegal arms; from abandoned children finding their parents to the prison torture chambers of N. Korea, it is all coming out and put before us to read, hear, and learn about. Corruption, greed, ungodly agendas, natural affections lost and the cruelty of man against his fellow man… it’s all exposed and in horrendous detail.

How God’s heart must break when mankind turns their collective backs to Him, and the natural consequences of sin rain down destructively. Yet God has supplied all mankind with an escape from the destruction through His only human-born Son, Jesus Christ. His grace to us is the direct cause and result of His own death on the cross. Jesus remains our glorious anchor for our soul !

Amos 3:7- “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secret unto His servants the prophets.”

2 Peter 1:19,21- “We have a more sure word of prophecy……holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.”

“…In the mouth of two or three witnesses, shall every word be established.” 2 Corinthians 13:1 & Deuteronomy 19:15


Saturday, March 15, 2014


Bobservations Column
by Pastor Bob Lawrenz

The frequency of God’s people to compromise their faith, and put up idols, is not something reserved for the Old Testament. If idols creep in, or are openly welcomed, you know it’s only a matter of time before His blessings are withheld.

The prophet Hosea was told by God to “take a wife of whoredoms, and children of whoredoms,” because the nation of Israel had committed great whoredom against God. Hosea then becomes of type of Jehovah, for his wife Gomer was as unfaithful to him as Israel was to God. As much as Jehovah loved Israel, they were drawn away repeatedly by other gods and cultures.

Hosea’s children from his wife were doomed. “You are not my people; I will not be your God,” (Hosea 1:9). But even with this, God did not forsake Israel, nor her children. Hosea’s first son was Jezreel, then a daughter Lo-ruhamah, and then another son, Lo-ammi.

When Gomer strayed in marriage, Hosea begged for her return. When she did, Hosea blessed her, but then she would stray again. Stray and return, stray and return. We ourselves, even as members of the Body of Christ, feel the longings; “Prone to wander, Lord a feel it; prone to leave the God I love…” are the words of a great old hymn that we sing!

God is always about the business of drawing His people closer to Himself. Satan is always about the business of drawing us away, and who we believe in will determine our reward. The story in Hosea is heart wrenching, and in the final chapter of Hosea 14, Jehovah leaves Israel (and us) with such great promises, that it would indeed be a demonic power that would cause us to resist our faithful God and Lord.

In spite of the battles both fleshly and spiritual, Hosea writes of the future for the nation of Israel. One day they will come to Jehovah Jesus, and be blessed. God will lead them in His integrity, to make true His Word.

“Then shall the children of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together and shall appoint themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of Jezreel.” - Hosea 1:11

Monday, March 10, 2014


Bobservations Column
by Pastor Bob Lawrenz

Among the many teachings of Jesus, The Sermon On The Mount in Matthew 5 stands out as the greatest sermon ever spoken. The length of it and the number of topics Jesus covered within it represent the wisdom of God brought down to man’s level of understanding on every subject that man must deal with. More specifically, Jesus shines the light of God’s word into the hearts of mankind, He exposes sin, and reveals truth.

Today’s continuation of Psalm 78 recalls much of Jewish History. We might be reminded of the old saying that if a man does not learn from history, then he is bound to repeat it. That is the problem with the human heart. While we are slow to learn, God is slow to anger. God’s stiff-necked people remain stiff-necked; while His true believers have read of God’s deeds, and they examine their own hearts to check that they avoid the pitfalls and consequences that plagued God’s Chosen People.

To “come out and remain separate” from unbelievers is both spiritual and practical. The idolatry of Egypt took its toll on the faith of the Jews after being exposed to it daily for 430 years. Without a Temple of their own to atone for their sins, faith was naturally compromised as they watched the Egyptians prosper in the under their idols and false gods.

God sent Moses to lead His people out from among the Egyptians. Can you imagine? They would not have come out of their own accord, but they would follow one who was sent by Jehovah God. Being visitors originally, they were a captive minority as the Egyptians forgot Joseph’s greatness after his death.

As Moses “competed” against Pharaoh’s Magicians, all of Egypt was under judgment. And the Israelites also being in Egypt, they lived through that judgment too. Idolaters and compromisers both went through that judgment.

To live among a sinful generation will bring their judgment for the Believer to endure as well. Coming out from among them becomes vital in every way.

“That you may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for He makes His son to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and unjust.”
– Matthew 5:45

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Bobservations Column
by Pastor Bob Lawrenz

We read in Acts 5 the story of Ananias and his wife, Sapphira. Two believers in Jerusalem who loved the Lord, yet held back a portion of themselves. The Church at Jerusalem was receiving support as its members sold their possessions. The Church took on a communal spirit and shared all they had with each other. It was a Church truly of one mind, and one heart.

Ananias and his wife sold their property like many others, but when it came time to turn the money over to the Church, they held back a portion of it for themselves.

When the Apostle Peter confronted Ananias with his deed, Ananias fell dead and was immediately prepared for burial according to the custom. Coming into the house later, Sapphira too was confronted with the conspiracy she made with her husband to keep back a portion of the money from the sale of their property. She too fell dead, and was buried next to her husband.

Peter’s words did not condemn them for keeping back a portion of their proceeds, but for lying about it. The couple’s unrighteousness reflects the hearts of many believers: fear, worry, and doubt can be the imperfect part of every person’s faith-walk, but Jesus tell us that perfect love casts out all fear.

Looking again at Ananias and Sapphira, even though they loved the Lord, theirs was not a perfect love towards Him. They still feared what the future might hold, and what the worldly costs of true faith are. Another time, a young man came to Jesus and said he would follow Him. Jesus told him to sell all that he had and “come follow Me.” But because the man had many possessions, he was grieved when he heard that he should sell it all, and he never did follow the Lord.

This is not about tithing and making donations: it is about having a pure faith and trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is about our failure in worrying and fretting about the future, and lying to ourselves, and to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Isaiah 29:13 puts it in perspective for us:

“Wherefore the Lord saith, ‘Forasmuch as the people draw near to me with their mouth, and with their lips they do honor me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men.’”

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