Sunday, December 29, 2019

Egypt To Nazareth

Bobservations Column
By Pastor Bob Lawrenz

History and the Bible tell us much about King Herod’s reign. Placed on Israel’s Throne by the Roman occupiers of the Land, Herod was a cruel, domineering King. Last week, we talked about the threat that Jesus (the newborn King) posed to Herod. With “King Makers” (The Wise men of the East) poised within Judea, Herod was likely outraged that a military coup could well take place, and he would lose the Throne of Palestine. 

Herod’s family, AKA the Herodians, were filled with conspiracy, petty jealousies, murders, and intermarriages between brothers and their sisters-in-law; they were a rather distasteful lot! Distrust seemed to rule their lives. 

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The King Is Born

Bobservations Column
By Pastor Bob Lawrenz

Merry Christmas everyone! 

As the world readies itself to celebrate our Savior’s birth, we are caught up easily in the festivities, the lights, the giving of gifts, and all the rest that comes with this holiday. Though God never would have underwritten such a celebration, we find ourselves overjoyed about His faithful fulfillment of His promise, to send a Redeemer to a world that barely recognizes its need to be saved. 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Ancient Paths, New Vessels

Bobservations Column
By Pastor Bob Lawrenz

Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the Earth.” This simple and straight-forward verse carries with it much to consider. The reader is immediately introduced to God and time. In the beginning of what? Apparently, it was the beginning of everything on Earth that we are already familiar with, including “time”. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

"And A Partridge In A..."

Bobservations Column
By Pastor Bob Lawrenz

Our teaching today speaks of accepting and following God’s plan for life on Earth. The Ten Commandments are an easy way to remember the things of His plan. More than mere guidelines, God commands these things. And for those that ignore them and go their own way, God will judge and not honor their choice to replace His plan with their own. Our human plans will always be self-serving rather than serving God and ministering to others. 

Our teaching today tells us of the foolish partridge bird, sitting on his nest but not hatching the eggs. Is that not the purpose of sitting on the nest? Hatch the next generation, feed and nurture them to leave the nest, and repeat this Godly cycle.

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