Church Announcements

Construction Alert!

The Village of Victor has rescheduled their reconstruction of the road on our section of Maple Ave, to Monday July 15th. Repaving should be complete by the following Sunday, the 21st of July. The delay might have been internal, or more likely because of the timing of Hurricane Beryl’s remnants. 

If our driveway is blocked, please use the Village Municipal Lot, off Adams Street at Victor Power Equipment, or off E. Main Street, adjacent to the (white) Presbyterian Church. Our parking lot and the Village’s lot abut.

Please use caution and be patient if the weather does not cooperate with the Highway Crew. 

Church Repairs

There will be maintenance repairs to our main entrance steps on August 13th, barring inclement weather.

Please be aware that the masonry work will prohibit usage of the steps, so please use the side entranceway. 

Bible Questions and Answers: With Pastor Bob Lawrenz

Coming Soon: Studio Recorded Interview and Q & A with Pastor Bob Lawrenz, and Greg Polla.

Like most Christians, we have many questions regarding scripture. Is the Bible reliable? Does the Bible contradict itself? Is the Bible inspired by God? Is the Bible true?

There are questions about everything from How to Read and Study the Bible, to What the Essential Bible Doctrines are.  There are questions about Christian living, Christian Service, Bible Prophecy, Spiritual Difficulties and beyond.

Pastor Bob will be answering some of those questions which we will be recording and presenting to you.

Discipleship 101

A Discipleship Class is being offered on our website free of charge. Teacher & Author James Fire’s Course, geared to new Christians and those new to Biblical Christianity will be invaluable as your daily walk with Jesus continues.

Classes 1 and 2 are still available online, with more classes to follow in this four-part series.  To access this class and other resources, just click 
on The Classroom tab and scroll down.

In recent weeks, we have had no electronic interference with the recording of the teachings. The online recordings are clear and crisp. We simply want the best recording quality possible for our online listeners. So we ask that you please, power your phone to off, OR switch it to “AIRPLANE MODE” to eliminate any stray electronic signals during service times.

Masking / Social Distancing

Masks continue to be optional for all in attendance at Whitestone Christian Fellowship.  Please be respectful of each other's choices for masks and distancing.  With different States adopting so many different guidelines, there is still much confusion, fear, and caution about COVID among the public.

We here at Whitestone Fellowship continue to believe in freedom, and respect for others. Therefore, if you are comfortable wearing a mask and social distancing, we will respect your wishes. OR, if you are comfortable without a mask, and not social distancing, we will respect that too. But in all cases, we wish to respect one another, and recognize that respect is a two-way street.

“Therefore all things, whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so them: for this is the law and the prophets.” Matthew 7:12


We will continue to follow the CDC guidelines regarding face masks and social distancing as closely as possible, acknowledging that face masks are too restrictive for some people, and even dangerous to those that wear them for multiple hours each day.  There is plenty of room to Social Distance comfortably here.

"And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not."  Galatians 6:9
  • Continue to pray for our church and our pastor.   
  • Continue to pray for outreach to our community.
  • Continue to pray for lost souls to be saved.
  • Continue to pray for each other, and yourselves to be able ministers of His Gospel and grace.
  • Pray always!  Pray without ceasing!

Audio Bible Studies are available on CD's after the service, or are free to listen to online on our Media Page.

If you are an online listener and would like to order a CD, please send us your request by email to:

The Lord's Supper is a remembrance of what Christ did for us and a celebration of what we receive as a result of His sacrifice. 

Communion is offered the first Sunday of each month and select holidays.

  • An Agape Box is available at the back of the Fellowship Hall for Tithes and Offerings. If you would like to help support this ministry, please send your love offering to: Whitestone Christian Fellowship, 21 Maple Street, Victor, NY 14564.
  • Prayer Requests can also be place in the Agape' Box, OR send an email:

WhitestoneCF Media - Web TV

WhitestoneCF Media - Web TV