Sunday, April 28, 2013


Bobservations Column
by Pastor Bob Lawrenz

    “Don’t look down! Keep looking up.” In my youth, I wanted to help my Dad do some work on our house. At age 10 or 11, it was my first time on a ladder, and I clearly remember his words as I climbed up to the second story to paint one of the window shutters. My potential falling and injuring myself was my Dad’s concern. Having my feet off solid ground was mine!

    As I learned, heights were not to be trifled with. Serious injury could occur, but to help me overcome the unnatural climb of the ladder, my Dad got a second ladder out, and climbed along side of me. I  watched how he climbed effortlessly, keeping his eye on the top of the ladder, rather than watching the ground.
    Once I was up in position to scrape and paint, I was fine; I wasn’t going up or down, I was just  working at one height. And going down, was similar: don’t look down, but look forward or up; the rungs will be where you expect them to be.
Our walk with the Lord should always have us looking up rather than down at the world around us.  Our goal is upward. We raise ourselves up to His level for fellowship and teachings. Higher and higher  in our walk with Christ, we are compelled ever upward!
    Years later in the Fire Department, ladder training was a requirement. As all the trainees climbed a 100 ft. aerial ladder (that’s 10 stories tall!), my Training Captain repeated my father’s words of years before:   “Don’t look down! Keep looking up!”
    It is a Spiritual Truth, plain and simple. Whenever there are troubles or fearful situations surrounding us, we can always look up, to Jesus. And looking up, we won’t become fearful.
 “And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift
up your heads; for your redemption draweth near.”      ~ Luke 21:28

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Bobservations Column
by Pastor Bob Lawrenz

    We may find our attention is drawn away from the Lord by the blessings He affords us as we live daily in His Creation. “How can this be?” you may ask. We all know people who “love” their careers. Workaholics aren’t called that because they hate their work. Often, the enjoyment of work becomes a distraction in our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our work, and expertise in it, can swell greatly while a walk with the Lord can be weakened and diminish to nothing. Relationships require the investment of time. Who can call a friend a friend if there is no time spent with one another? If you desire to spend more time with the Lord, then perhaps making time for Him would be a good reason to re-order our days. Even our doctors reschedule when priorities arise. Search your heart for balance daily.

    Everything that pleases the flesh in this life can distract us from Jesus, even the blessings that He brings our way. Even some disciples have trouble reconciling the difference between their net worth with their gross worth-in-Christ (Matt. 8:19-22).

    Following Jesus doesn’t work well if we don’t keep Him in sight. Following Jesus doesn’t work well at all if we constantly race ahead of Him; unbeknownst to us, He may have taken a turn while behind us. We can get so caught up in a tangible goal, that we miss the right path for the spiritual one.

    We dare not let ourselves be distracted from where He is leading us, and there are plenty of distractions all around. Our best position is by His side and keeping stride. Then there is fellowship and communication with Him, and the world fades to secondary images in the passing landscape. As His eyes of love fall upon us, the love in our eyes will grow for Him.

~   “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”    ~
Amos 3:3

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