Saturday, May 24, 2014


Bobservations Column
by Bob Lawrenz

This weekend marks the beginning of summer for many. After our long winter, and wet spring, this weekend is the start of what we have all been waiting for: summer. Warmer weather, lighter weight clothes, sandals, shorts, outdoor sports, picnics, and travel for many. It means our lives change substantially in our daily routine, no longer dictated by cold weather and the heavy clothes we bundle ourselves into.

“Freedom” is a word that automatically comes to mind. Out from under the cruel and harsh conditions of the cold months, everyone is waiting to be out and about.

Monday’s Memorial Day celebration here in the USA is a reminder that our social and political freedoms have come at a great price. Memorialized are those that have fought in wars and battles, too awful to describe for the most part. In the midst of kicking off a season of enjoying our freedoms, we have the grim reminder of its cost: men and women have fought and died for it.

There are plenty of our nation’s residents for whom it’s just another reason to break out the lawn and patio chairs and pop the top of an adult beverage. But the thoughts for the weekend are a bit different for Christians, for we are reminded every time we open our Bibles of the cost of our freedom that was won for us by Jesus Christ.

While they might offer a moment of silence on Monday in respect for those that have given their lives for the nation, we a constantly reminded of our Savior, Jesus, every day because of the freedom from sin won for us by His sacrifice. Not that we are sinless, but because His death expanded our vocabulary. Instead of plunging headlong into temptations, the new word at our disposal is a simple two-letter word: no. Also added to our vocabulary is the phrase, “I’m sorry, forgive me.” Behind these words is an acknowledgment that we can do better, and be better people, to more closely reflect the life of our personal War Hero in the battle for our souls.

Our enemy is Jesus’ enemy. Can you imagine Satan giving his life for anyone? Therefore, even our nation’s history reveals that Jesus is the One to follow.

As Satan roams about seeking whom he may devour, Jesus gave His life for us.  Satan takes. Jesus has given.

“As the Father knoweth me, even so I know the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. …Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I may take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself…” –John 10:15,17,18

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