Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Cry Out To Jesus!

Encouraging words for such a time as this.  
Excerpts taken from "As Little Children" taught by Pastor Bob Lawrenz.

Father, as we look at the world around us, we can see that what our Lord Jesus said in His Word is exactly the way it is. How affirming that is to know that He knows accurately and precisely all things from beginning to end. The warnings in Your Word about disasters, wars, rumors of wars, plagues, persecution and deceptions are indeed escalating because they are identified as birth pangs, and these these things will grow increasingly intense until the Day of Your Wrath, and Your Second Coming.

You are the God of history, history is Yours and we're part of it. We're part of the history You're writing that ends in eternity and eternal joy. What a blessing. It is tragic that sin entered into this world, yet You allowed it in order that You might demonstrate Your grace, that You might manifest Your salvation, that You might call together a people who love You and serve You, as You display forever to them and to the holy angels Your love and Your goodness and Your forgiveness. Our hearts ache for all those in the world who are caught in the deception of false religion, have nowhere to turn, who live in fear of the impending and very real dangers that they face every day and have no one to give them hope and assurance about life after death.  Draw them to Yourself and show them that You will hear them when they cry out to You.

Lord, help us to be faithful to proclaim the good news, that in a dying world there is a living gospel, and on a dying planet there's a living Savior, and in a dying society there's a living church. There is a future and a hope, one can be delivered from death to life by coming to the true knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who fill our hearts with peace and everlasting joy, and hope in anticipation of what awaits us. We know that nothing can separate us from His love and one day He will bring His own to glory. Even now while there is so much happening on earth, we know what's going on in heaven, for Jesus said this, "I go to prepare a place for you and I will come again and receive you to Myself that where I am, there you may be also."

So, Lord, we're so thankful that You are now preparing a place in heaven for us while this world careens towards its final judgment. We look forward to the day when we will enter into that place because of Your grace.

Father, we thank You so much for the staggering wonder of Your Word which You've given to us so that we're not in the dark about what's going on. Father, draw to Yourself many, even today, out of this perishing world into that eternal kingdom where all is joy and promise. And we'll thank You and we say this for Your glory alone, Amen.

If you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ, this would be the day to open your heart, confess Him as Lord and Savior, repent of your sin, receive His salvation and heaven and joy.

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