Saturday, June 4, 2022

There Is A Season

Bobservations Column
Pastor Bob Lawrenz

We come today one of the most familiar and beloved passages of the Bible. King Solomon’s insights give credence to his wisdom and understanding. After reading of his difficulties and disappointments in the first two chapters of The Book of Ecclesiastes, we read in this chapter how he has set things a-right, at least in his own mind and heart.

It was in the late 1950’s that folk singer/song writer Pete Seger borrowed the first eight verses of Ecclesiastes 3 to use in his song, “TURN, TURN, TURN.” The song was released by a number of different singers, but it was in 1965 that the song hit the top of the Music Charts when a music group named “The Byrds” released it on one of their albums. Their rendition of the song would be played several times each day by radio stations committed to “Pop” Music. If you were alive during the 60’s and 70’s, you have most certainly heard The Byrds sing Solomon’s words.

But before we give credit to either Solomon or to The Byrds for this passage of the Bible, we must give all credit to God’s Holy Spirit for putting these words in Solomon’s heart, and for Solomon to put them to pen and paper about 977 B.C.

The result of God’s words here is an understanding that He is in control of all things, and every event. The changes in our lives keep us from a mundane existence, and teach us to be flexible in all our doings. The monotony of “same old-same old” would dull our senses and give us nothing different to ever look forward to; hope would be lost.

Our times are a testimony of God’s all-encompassing power and authority in heaven and on Earth.
“To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” ~ Ecclesiastes 3:1

Today's Audio Message:
Ecclesiastes 3:1-22 - "There Is A Season"


God has a plan for His people. It’s always been there and stands even to the end of this life we live. Through Solomon’s words, we realize very simply that life is filled with cycles. Cycles of joy and sorrow, cycles of life and death, or even at times the monotony of things all are part of our earthly experiences. Many times the things we encounter through the life we live walk us through the shadow of death. Death of not only a person but death of things that were once important. He uses these things to draw us past the barriers we face to trust Him.

For as Solomon pens, “He makes everything beautiful in its time”, his point is all the experiences we encounter from the good or the bad is still in the hand or oversight of God. There is a discovery through all of the things life throws at us,  a peace only which can be found in our trusting Him. For this speaks to the mysterious and perfect timing of God.

Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 serves as a bridge between the first two chapters and the section that follows. People are to accept each day as a gift from the hand of God (2:24–26). Why? Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 explains it is because God has a reason and a time for all things. People may be ignorant of God’s timing (3:9–11), but they are called to enjoy life in the present (3:12–13) and trust in God’s sovereignty (3:14–15).

God offers much wisdom in the saying, “There is a time for everything, / and a season for every activity under the heavens.” God is sovereign. Our activity in this world is meaningful as we rely on His wisdom, His timing, and His goodness.

What we must realize is the seasons of life Solomon portrays are not confined by duration. Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc. Therefore, what we experience can stay for a short period of time or last longer than we anticipate. The more important issue is how we will respond to the season of life we find ourselves in.

If we can learn to find the blessings in trials and be aware of the trials in blessings, we will more easily embrace whatever season comes our way, trusting in God's Word as our source of strength, because "
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9).

He longs for intimacy with us and will stop at no expense to pursue us to the ends of the earth because He loves us unconditionally. For His love fuels His will for us, and the seasons we face are simply a means of His sanctifying power and purpose in our lives if we submit to His authority and obey His Word without excuse or reservation.

God makes our appointments. He is involved in all the details of our lives. Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 contains 7 statements that cover all of our lives. We all go through the same things to differing degrees. One author said, "Solomon begins here to put together the big picture of life and the individual smaller parts of life to explain why our lack of control over either is the very thing that should give us hope."

We are enclosed in time, but God is not (2 Peter 3:8). Everything He does, lasts (Eccl 3:14). Life has rhythm like nature does (see chapter 1). We experience good and bad and in-between. God has a purpose for each of these details as the Master Planner. His Providence means his ability to see ahead. God lives in a constant present and sees all. He observes our faithfulness within our daily routine and how we handle the unexpected.

There is a distinction between humanity and animals in what follows this life. We will be held accountable and our souls will dwell in eternity. God will deal with us. Unless we know and have the assurance of eternal life we’ll never have real joy in our lives today. There is a freedom a joy in our work when we realize this is not all there is. Why? Because when it’s not going well we have hope of something greater and when it is going well we know it is but a shadow of what is to come! If God is sovereign over all time, he puts eternity into our hearts, has a purpose even in allowing injustice to occur, and He holds our eternal destiny of our souls in His hands we can have gratitude, worship, and enjoyment in our life now.


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