By Pastor Bob Lawrenz
The Prophets of the Old Testament were set as Watchmen over the nation of Israel. The Watchmen over a city were always strategically placed to be able to see enemies approaching, and to sound the trumpet to alert the inhabitants of the city, and prepare to do battle. The Officers on board a military ship do the same: spotting a threat, the alarm sounds, and “Report to battle stations” echoes throughout the ship. Cities and ships all have Watchmen, and with the Prophets, they were told they were assigned as Watchmen over the nation of the Israelites.
Our reading this morning speaks of the gravity of the position of watchman; one that calls to arms, and an advanced warning system, all from God’s loving provision towards those that are His.
The Prophet Samuel was sent to King Saul, to give direction concerning the Amalekites! (1 Samuel 15). Saul had disregarded the word of the Lord and failed obliterate and destroy all the descendants of Amalek, and their possessions. After his victory over the Amalekites, pride set in and he decided that a spoil of the Amalekites’ goods was in order. Saul saved the best of their flocks of sheep and oxen. And by failing to obliterate all memory of Amalek, some Amalekites escaped the judgment of God. Later on, it was an Amalekite that slayed Saul!
So by ignoring the warnings of God’s Watchmen over the nation, the King’s fate was set. It was only a matter of time before Saul’s judgment would come.