Bobservations Column
by Pastor Bob Lawrenz
Confidence. A wonderful word used to acknowledge someone's strong, and practiced capabilities. You might remember a parent or mentor using this word to encourage you to learn a new task or a skill of any kind. Careers are built on such confidence in a recognized ability to execute an assignment to its fullest.
I went looking for synonyms to this word, and found the following: Assurance, self-confidence, self-possession, composure, cool, style, ease, and poise. Even the word "aplomb" was among those similar meanings. What's indicated is an acknowledgment that someone can perform their task with great skill and ease. They've practiced it, and have the procedure "down."
When we apply these words to God, and to Jesus His Son, we can only be awed by His abilities to do all things, and to do them with forethought, planning, and experience and ease: aplomb. There really is nothing that's too hard for Him. On a scale of one to ten, God's skill level for all things is 100.
This time of year as I think about the snowy roads coming our way, changing to snow tires used to be a 15 minute task. Today, those skills have diminished with time, and sore hands and fingers.
Along with Jesus' forethought, planning, experience, and ease with which He does things, there is another word that must be added: grace. Unmerited favor. It is something that we cannot earn. Yet it gives God pleasure to give it to us in abundance. And beyond that, God has promised so much more...Today is a day for our thanksgiving, if we are of His flock. I am confident of this.
"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." - Luke 12:32